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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can and cannot receive IV vitamin therapy?

Vitamin therapy is administered to individuals at least 18 years or older. Certain medical conditions such as kidney, liver or heart problems can disqualify you from receiving IV hydration. Clients undergoing chemotherapy are ineligible to receive IV hydration unless authorized by an oncologist. Our medical director will review your medical history during your consultation to determine eligibility for treatment. 

How long does it take?

An infusion can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Our vitamin shots can be administered in a matter of minutes!

How often should I get an IV vitamin infusion/shots?

Every client’s needs are different, therefore the treatment can vary. It is recommended to receive IV vitamin therapy 1-2 times per month, vitamins typically remain in the body for 2 weeks. The shots can be given on a weekly basis for optimal results. 

Is vitamin therapy safe?

Yes it’s a safe and effective method to replenish fluids and nutrients in the body. We use highly regulated pharmaceutical companies and FDA approved medical suppliers.

Do you accept insurance?

Unfortunately, we do not.

Will it hurt?

You will experience a very minor sting when the needle is being inserted into the skin. This feeling lasts for a few seconds at most. For IV placement, the needle is retracted and a small flexible plastic tube is inserted into the vein.

What is the difference between intravenous vitamins versus oral vitamins?

Research by industry experts show that only 40% of oral vitamins are absorbed by the body. This is because the vitamin has to pass through the digestive system and is not completely absorbed after the vitamin reaches the stomach. IV vitamin therapy delivers 100% of the vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream.

Can I receive an IV vitamin drip and shot on the same day?

Yes! Adding a shot to your treatment is a great way to boost the benefits of your IV vitamin drip. 

Are there any side effects?

Minor soreness at IV placement or injection site is possible after treatment. The majority of our clients can easily resume normal activities after a drip or shot.

Do I need to do anything before receiving an IV drip?

We recommend not having an empty stomach, drinking lots of fluids and/or a light cardio workout to increase blood flow for IV placement.

What is your cancellation policy?

We have a 24 hour cancellation policy. If you cancel within the 24 hours or do not show up to your appointment, you will lose your $50 deposit towards your treatment. We kindly ask that you please reschedule or cancel at least 24 hours before your appointment.

Do you offer special rates for groups or events?

Yes we do! Please contact us directly at to receive your special rate.

We charge a $50 travel fee for all mobile services. 20-40 miles from location will be $100 travel fee. 

I have a sulfa allergy, what can't I have? 

Our fat burner shot contains methionine that clients with sulfa allergy cannot digest. 

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